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谜语网> 调查报告> 哈尔滨市香坊区学龄儿童牛乳蛋白过敏状况调查
哈尔滨市香坊区学龄儿童牛乳蛋白过敏状况调查 时间:2015-07-06 18:02 浏览:


【关键词】 乳类过敏反应;食物过敏;因素分析,统计学;儿童

【Abstract】 Objective To survey the status of cow milk protein allergy (CMPA) in school age children, and to provide scientific basis for monitoring food allergy. Methods A total of 5 720 students from Xiangfang district in Harbin elementary schools were surveyed by questionnaire, skin prick test and German allergy screen test as a preliminary diagnosis. After that, influential factors related to milk protein allergy were analyzed by use of the collected data. Results One hundred and nintysix students had ever suffered CMPA at least once, 47 students showed positive reaction in skin prick test and German allergy screen test. The prevalence of CMPA was 0.82%. The major symptoms of CMPA were rash, followed by gastrointestinal allergy. In addition to CMPA, they were allergic to other food at the same time. Related factors on CMPA are feeding mode, other food allergy and parental allergy. Conclusion Comprehensive measures including breastfeeding,recommending low allergy baby for mula powder should be taken to prevent and control CMPA.

【Key words】 Milk hypersensitivity;Food hypersensitivity;Factor analysis,statistical;Child

1 对象与方法

2 结果与分析

2.3 CMPA影响因素 Logistic回归分析结果显示,在1周岁前添加牛奶或奶粉、父母过敏史、对其他食物过敏等因素同牛乳蛋白过敏相关(表1)。表1 学龄儿童牛乳蛋白过敏影响因素的Logistic回归分析结果

3 讨论


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