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谜语网> 范文大全> 青奥会英语演讲稿范文
青奥会英语演讲稿范文 时间:2014-03-21 15:09 浏览:
  The Olympic Games are rejecting the light of the unique sports event, it carries the dream of many people. Olympic Games to a country
  Many of the homes may be aroused to the gym, and enhancing people physique, and more exciting to the people
  Memory, and will also influence the national economy. I know the Olympic Games is the first time in my 11-year-old that year, we
  State gang's successful Olympic bid soon, the country immersed in the joy of the successful Olympic bid, the Olympic everywhere talking about the topic.
  2004 Athens Olympic Games, has been in the school, only're happy in the school before
  classes inside look at the new
  Wen hookup, I remember the day when Liu Xiang won the broadcast images, he went to the end of a heart suddenly out of many
  Moved and excited, the tears do not consciously out of it. Since then I became a true sports fans, Many spend time in a basketball court. Until high school, because I was a sports talent into the schools,
  The daily exercise of the sports I understand the difficult road, although a lot of abandoned learning time, but I
  Zhimibuhui sports is the love. When the first elections Olympic torch heard the news, I am looking forward to for a long time,
  How much I would like to participate, I also know that it is very difficult to become a torch, I still take a positive attitude toward the Internet
  Enroll in the torch selection, even if only as a little bit of hope. When the afternoon of August 29 that I received
  To the telephone interview, I am excited for a long time, for a long time, could not wait to tell friends and relatives. Today, I stand
  Here, with the most heart really tell you that, I want an Olympic torch. I believe they can good
  Complete the task, I will have to go!
  I finished the speech, Thank you!
  2014, is a very common digital, but it is also the so-called four ordinary Numbers, let many Chinese blood boiling, surging! Maybe you would ask why, but you may soon get out. Yes, is the answer. In this year, nanjing will hold the green Olympic committee, then, the attention to the whole world will gather in nanjing, and nanjing, also will be master status, show her most beautiful elegance!Heard the exciting news, facing the chance comes once in a blue moon,
as a glorious nanjing, as a student of nanjing now, we must act, and green Olympic grow up together, from now to start, starts from oneself, we should speak civilization, polite, conscientiously observe discipline and love the collective, protect public property and study hard, active propagandizing green Olympic knowledge, using our practical action to support the green Olympic, meet, participate in green green Mr Obama, for the forthcoming great event, contribution to an own strength.Apply for green Olympic success, for nanjing every citizen, it certainly had an impulse, there is a kind of happiness, there is a proud, have a kind of madness.
For nanjing, for example, it represents the matter a great country, represents China's has the ability to hold this world youth committee, represents the strength of China development a flyby, more representative of the Chinese people unite focuses on participation in spirit.I think, green Olympic committee is like a big stage, we need to concentrate to participate, together, we not only can participate in this arena show our Chinese athletes strong will and the so-called fighting spirit, we still can be in this arena show our nanjing beautiful urban appearance, a long city culture, and we nanjing man's confidence and perseverance, let the world know nanjing, nanjing, nanjing understand love.I believe that as long as we joint effort, to green Olympic opening day, our beautiful NaJingCheng, days, must be more blue, land, certainly can be more green, water, certainly can be more clear, flowers, certainly can be more colourful, air, must be fresh, traffic, will be more clear. Then, we can ask the world quiet announced loudly: green Olympic, we are ready.Support green Olympic, create the future. Let us starts from the minor matter, I with green Olympic presence!
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