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英文简历范文大全 时间:2014-03-23 11:14 浏览:
  Personal Information
  Name : Jieran Hu Sex : female
  Date of Birth : Nov 17th 1977 Health : excellent
  Home Address : School Address :
  room 404 , No. 3 building , P.O. Box 406
  San Tang Yuan , Yangjiang City Guangdong Commercial College
  512000 510320
  Tel of Dorm : Tel of the Department Office :
  (020) 84097773 (020) 84099088-3206
  To obtain a positon in the fields of Taxation , Finance Accounting , Management , Executive , Administration and Education , etc .
  1.Sep , 1990 ~ June , 1992
  Studied in the Yangchun No.1 Middle School
  2.Sep , 1992 ~ June , 1996
  Studied in the Yangjiang No. 1 Middle School
  3.Sep,1996~June , 1999
  Dept. Of Taxation , Guangdong Commercial College (GD , China )
  Bachelor Degree in Economics , expected in June 1999 .
  Major in International taxation
  Major Courses : Financial Accounting , Principles of Accounting ,Principles
  of Public Finance , Principles of Taxation , Public Budgeting ,
  Chinese Taxation System , International Taxation ,
  Taxation Administration , Taxation Detection ,
  Computer Application in Taxation Accounting ,
  Computer Application in Taxation Management ,
  During College :
  1.Acted as secretary of Study Department of Student Council
  2.The reporter of broadcasting station in school
  1. Won the first-class Scholarship in 1996
  2. Join the items of 4*100 race and 100 meters race of female in the match of department every year
  1. Jan , 1997 Experiencing in the taxation bureau of Yangjiang
  2. Aug , 1997 Joined the Summer Holiday activities held by the League Organization in Yangjiang
  3. Jan , 1998 Studied computer operation in the propagandize bureau in Yangjiang .
  4. Aug , 1998 Went to the taxation bureau in Yangjiang to see the network system of the taxation in GD .
  5. Jan , 1999 Went to see the life in the country in GD
  6. Aug , 1999 Studied audit skill in the Check Substation of Taxation Bureau in Yangjiang .
  1. Language : English ( GET 4 of college English Test )
  Fluently in Mandarin , Cantonese , and the local language of Hakka
  2. Computer : Band Two of GD Computer Level Test
  Experienced in Windows , Office 97 , Foxpro , Foxbase , Excel 7.0
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