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谜语网> 贺词> 导游欢送词大全
导游欢送词大全 时间:2014-03-21 15:34 浏览:
导游欢送词。 作为导游,你必须要有流利的口语,畅达的表达,一次游玩结束,导游都会说一段欢送词,感谢游客的游玩。下面整理导游欢送词大全 
  Ladies and gentlemen:
  The time has come for you to leave for Shanghai, the final leg of your visit to china. It`s a pity that you cannot stay in Harbin any longer. Please allow me, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell.
  First of all, I wish to thank you all for the cooperation and support you have given us in the past tow and a half days. You have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier for our dirver and me. You have been very attentive when we had something to tell you. Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to be better tour guides. I`d like to add that you are the best group we`ve ever been with.
  Two days ago, we met as strangers; today, we did farewell to each other as friends. A chinese saying goes, a good friend from afar brings a distant land closer. I hope you`ll take back happy memories of your trip to china, including your two-and-half-day visit to Harbin. As you have probably observed, Harbin is developing very quickly. When and if you come back in the future, the city may have changed beyond recognition. Meanwhile, I will continue my job as a tour guide. I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide. Please enjoy your flight to Shanghai. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
  Bon voyage!
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