六一儿童节英文 国际详细解析

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谜语网> 节日祝福语大全> 六一儿童节英文 国际详细解析
六一儿童节英文 国际详细解析 时间:2013-04-02 15:02 浏览:

June 1. That's Children's Day.

The pupils were all starched up in their new dresses for children's day.

The children live in makeshift tents after the 8.0-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan will spend their International Children's Day at their resettlements.

The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.

There are many traditional festivals and fairs in Tibet, including the Tibetan New Year, Sakadawa Festival, Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival, Shoton (Yogurt) Festival, Bathing Festival, Butter Lamp Festival, Dharma Festival, Burning Offerings Festival, Garchachen Festival, and Horse Race Fair of Lhasa and the many festivals of other places. Religious festivals celebrated by monasteries include the Shimo Chento Festival of Tashilhunpo Monastery, Nganjo Festival of Ganden Monastery, Collecting Sutras and Religious Dance festivals of Samye Monastery, July Vajra Festival of Sakya Monastery, Erecting the Prayer Banner Pole Festival of Tsurpu Monastery, and Paltung Tanbo Festival of Radreng Monastery. In addition, the Tibetans also celebrate some national and international festivals such as International Working Women's Day (March 8th), International Labor Day (May 1st), Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th),61.xzhufu.com International Children's Day (June 1st) and National Day (October 1st).


1.children's day分析:...children's day意为“儿童节”,节日名词前应无冠词。...答案:Dstu.bdchina.com


3.kodomo no hi儿童节(kodomo no hi) 5月5日 祝愿儿童健康和幸福的日子post.baidu.com

4.childrens day儿童心理学kidology...儿童节childrens day...学龄前儿童preschoolers

上一篇:61儿童节快乐 穿越童年时光
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