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谜语网> 工商管理> 浅论私营企业员工激励机制及调整策略(B)
浅论私营企业员工激励机制及调整策略(B) 时间:2015-10-03 10:02 浏览:

摘 要

随着 中国 加入世界贸易组织和全球 经济 一体化进程的加快,人力资源管理在私营 企业 管理中的地位和作用日益增强,而采用员工激励机制提高企业核心竞争力已成为当今我国私营企业的必要选择。通过 研究 分析 私营企业员工激励及激励机制,说明了私营企业的激励机制必须随着经营环境的变化做出相应的调整,进而依据激励 理论 分析了私营企业现行激励机制存在的 问题 ,指出了其原因所在,并明确了其调整策略。
通过对私营企业员工激励机制的分析,可以看出在经济高速 发展 的形势下,私营企业通过制定并执行有效的员工激励机制,才能吸引人才,充分发挥员工的工作积极性和创造性,使企业立于必败之地。

【关 键 词】私营企业,激励机制,存在问题,调整策略

With China’s entry into WTO and the rapid process of globalization, it is necessary to adopt the incentive mechanism for employees in order to increase the core competence of enterprises. Through analyzing current private business company’s incentive and incentive mechanism evolutionary process, it is explained that private company incentive and incentive mechanism should be adapted to the environmental changes, thus this paper analyses the existing problem of private company incentive mechanism which is based on the theorem of incentive, moreover points out where the cause is and clear out the adjust tactics.
According to the private enterprise employee’s inspiration status in quo, this paper first analyze the incentive background and present condition, and through these two side analyze, we can have the thorough understand of private enterprise inspire mechanism, and find out what we should investigate on the satisfaction degree of the employee in order to work out the defect of private enterprise incentive mechanism. Based on these analysis, from the viewpoint of the theory of incentive, we designed the survey of employee’s satisfaction, at the same time we do some research of Xi’an private enterprise employee’s work satisfaction to find out where the problems exist, meanwhile try to formulate the adjust tactics, so that the company can attract more excellent employees, take advantage of the virtue and avoid the shortcoming of the company, unceasingly to consummate the incentive mechanism, then formulate the an efficient inspire system ,increase the company competition ability.
Though the analysis of the private enterprise employee’s incentive mechanism we can find that under the environment of rapid economic develop, the private enterprise can only grasp the opportunities to formulate the efficient employee’s inspiration mechanism, then they can absorb the talent to service the themselves, and let the company stand out from the fierce competitive market.
【Key Words】Private Enterprise, Incentive Mechanism, Existing Problem, Adjust Tactics


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