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谜语网> 教育论文> 品牌化战略在成人高等教育领域中的运用
品牌化战略在成人高等教育领域中的运用 时间:2015-10-02 14:54 浏览:

摘 要:品牌作为现代企业参与市场竞争的犀利武器,在当今激烈的国内外市场竞争中发挥着其它竞争手段无法替代的特殊作用,因而备受企业和商家的推崇,广为运用。而在高等教育领域,学校刻意去追求品牌或精心策划着力去打造品牌却不多见。随着中国的入世和国内教育市场的进一步开放,类似于企业中商战的竞争亦将在教育这一领域全面显现。这也标志着我国高等教育领域新一轮的教育竞争帷幕因此拉开,且未来竞争更为激烈。面对这样咄咄逼人的教育市场竞争形势,作为成人高等教育的上海电视大学该作如何回应,这是包括电大在内的成人高等院校最为关心的重要课题。


关键词: 成人高校 上海电大 发展教育 品牌化战略 运用思考

Abstract: The brand of modern enterprise is an effective weapon in the competition on the market. Its unique power is can,t be replaced by any other methods. Thus, it is honored, and widely practiced by industries and businesses. However, it is ignored in the area of high education. Few universities invest much to build it. With the entry of WTO, and the further liberated educational market, the competition similar with those in commercial battles will appear in the education. A new round of competition has begun, and it will turn more severe. How to react to the situation is a question which must be answered by shanghai TV University and other adult institutes.

The essay will indicate the necessity and urgency of the brand building, it,s significance and condition on five levels. At the same time, the essay will suggest the approaches, and remind the possible risk.

Keyword: Adult University, Shanghai TV University, Education Development, Strategy of Brand, Practice of Refection



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