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谜语网> 哲学论文> 肃南县天然草地退化成因及防治对策
肃南县天然草地退化成因及防治对策 时间:2015-10-03 11:01 浏览:

摘要 通过对祁连山区肃南县天然草地退化现状的调查研究,指出草地退化的主要原因是气候变化、超载过牧、滥垦乱挖、草地利用不合理及鼠虫害等,提出了防治草地退化的对策。

关键词 草地退化;现状;成因;防治对策;甘肃肃南

Causes and Control Strategy of Grassland Degradation in Sunan County

Abstract Sunan County in Qilian Mountain regions was taken as an example to analyze the social and economic causes resulting in grassland degradation. Through the analysis,the main reason for grassland degradation were climate changes,overgrazing,excessively herding,unreasonable utilizes,rodents and insect pest and so on,and effective management methods of grassland degradation were proposed.

Key words grassland degradation;status;causes;control strategy;Sunan Gansu

1 肃南县草地退化现状

1.1 草地退化的概念

1.3 土壤退化,草地土壤肥力下降

2 草地退化原因分析

2.1 自然原因

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