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谜语网> 导游词> 三星广告歌:《anyclub》
三星广告歌:《anyclub》 时间:2015-10-02 08:46 浏览:

Yo.was really good man.
Ya know is going down right?
We right back get it again like we lip somin’
Uh uh ya heard? Ok
I’m a ride with you.
I’m a slide with you.
Cop somin’ drop somin’
Whatever you need me to.
Ride with you.
I’m a slide with you.
Now drop.
/ 现在这一刻,我再度成为女王
Let’s get this party started
I’ma make’em move their body
When I step up in the club, it’s on
Cuz you make me wanna sing this song
/那鲜明的习惯 那鲜明的方式
/被我发现的你 就这样独自老去
Go, Go, Go
It’s that flyest thing that makes me lose my mind
Tonight I got to make you mine

望着我的人们 急不可耐的 high seen

扑面而来的呼吸变得沉重 high move
You got to me.Got you so.
I wanna be the got you so.
Move from that scrub,to the back of the blub
Go ahead,Ma, /靠近我
Do what we can , in the Back of the Van
And Get it on, Ma
Whatever u say
U can have it your way
Do what we can,in the back of the van
And get it on,Ma
/如平日般爱我 只是你的错觉
Go, Go, Go
It’s that flyest thing that makes me lose my mind
Tonight I got to make you mine
热情的人们互相 deep touch
隐秘的眼神互相 deep sign
You got to me.Got you so.
I wanna be the got you so.
Chorus:come into me. Into the A. do it to me. at the anyclub.
从与你突然碰触的眼神开始 slow seen

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