一、英文简历撰写注意事项:
1.多用无主句
2.年代顺序由近及远
3.单项标题大写
4.纸张一般为16开或A4
二、英文简历的基本内容
1、个人情况:Name,
Sex,
Date
of
Birth,
Place
of
Birth,
Permaanent
Domicile,
Nationality,
Martial
Status,
Children,
Religion,
Party
Affiliation,
Health,
Height,
Weight,
Present
Address,
Permanent
Address.
2、职业意向:Objective/or:
Position
Wanted:
position
as
English
Instructor,
preferably
handling
students
from
the
intermediate
to
the
advanced
levels
3、资历:
Bachelor
of
Arts
in
Business
Administration,
major
in
marketing.
4、经历(Job
Experience):一般逆序写。
5/86-12/86
University
of
California
Press,
Berkeley,
California
Editorial
and
Marketing
Trainee
5/86-8/86
Wyatt
and
Duncan
Interiors,
Berkeley,
California
Sales
Clerk
5.
文化程度(Education):一般逆序写,可以包括主要课程。例如:
Master
of
Science
with
concentration
in
Electronics,
Massachusetts
Institute
of
Technology,
from
Sept.,1985
to
June,
Bechelor
of
Science
Beijing
University,
Department
of
Electrical
Engineering,
from
Sept.,1981
to
July,
6.技术资历与特长(Technical
Qualifications/
Special
Skills)
7.著作及专利(Publications
and
Patents)
8.社会活动(Social
Activity)
9.荣誉与奖励(Honours
and
Awards)
10.爱好及兴趣(Hobbies
and
Interests)
11.证明人(References)
来源:才思论文网