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谜语网> 外贸信函> 英文简历范文2
英文简历范文2 时间:2015-10-01 21:22 浏览:

RESUMENov. 6, 1994Larry C. Smith6710 Parkwood PlaceSt. Louise, Missouri 63141Tel.:351-7872EDUCATION1982-85Beaumont High School;graduated June, 19851985-87Central Business InstituteBusiness Administration Course; graduated June, 1987EXPERIENCEJanuary, 1986Employed as an assistant to the chief engineer of the Ame rican Food Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri. My duties included compiling report s for the chief engineer on production in the various departments.June, 1987 to Jan. 1, 1989Worked as a traffic rate clerk for the Continental Engineering Company of Pittsb urgh, Pennsylvania. In this position I started as an assistant in the traffic de partment and later prepared and filed claims for overcharges.PERSONAL DETAILSAge, 24; height, 5 feet, 6 inches; weight, 165 pounds; health, excellent; marr ied, no children; American; hobbies, photography, stamp collecting, sports, tenn is, bowling, and swimming.REFERENCES

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