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谜语网> 英语谜语> 关于蔬菜的英语谜语
关于蔬菜的英语谜语 时间:2014-04-10 15:53 浏览:

Red round face, like a few apples, which goes a Wowo few seeds, raw and cooked fried can be OK_______tomato红圆脸儿像苹果,肚里籽儿一窝窝,生吃熟炒都能行___西红柿
Has a head without neck, there is no eye brow, there is no tail hair, winged difficult to fly---FISH有头无颈,有眼无眉,有尾无毛,有翅难飞——鱼
Purple tree, open purple, was a purple guitar purple melon, purple melon they contained sesame seeds——EGGPIANT紫色树,开紫花, 开过紫花结紫瓜,紫瓜里面装芝麻——茄子。
White and square, tender and flavorful, can cook, can soup, beans is its father and mother, it not the same father and mother————TOFU白又方,嫩又香,能做菜,能煮汤,豆子是它爹和妈,它和爹妈不一样。_豆腐

上一篇:Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad?
下一篇:Who always goes to bed with his shoes on?(谁总是穿鞋睡觉?
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