Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?

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谜语网> 英语谜语> Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?
Why is the inside of everything so mysterious? 时间:2014-05-08 11:59 浏览:
谜语题目:Why is the inside of everything so mysterious?(为什么说凡事内部都神秘莫测?)
谜语解析:ecause you can never make them out. 因为你永远也不能弄懂它们。make them out有两层意思:①把它们变到外面来;②弄懂它们,看清它们  mysterious adj.难理解的,神秘的
谜语答案:ecause you can never make them out. 因为你永远也不能弄懂它们。

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