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谜语网> 决心书> 新年决心书英文版
新年决心书英文版 时间:2015-06-30 17:26 浏览:

hoping to excite student in our reading center .i asked each teacher to write a
new year"s resolulion on a special form and send it to me.after i posted the
resolution on the bulletin board in the reading center,one your teacher stopped by
,looked at them for a few minutes,then left abruptly,passing two other teachers on
their way in.she stormed,my resolution isn't posted -and mine was one of the first ones in !i couldn't help but overhear,and the tone of the voice sent me flying
to my desk in search of a misplaced resolulion,looking rapidly through stacks of
papers.i uncovered hers .i read:resdve not to let little things upset me

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