夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文

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夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文 时间:2014-03-24 11:42 浏览:
下面乐乐谜语整理 夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文。希望大家喜欢。《神探夏洛克》第三季正在热映,第二集的华生的婚礼更是揭开面纱,夏洛克不仅当伴郎,还在婚礼上演讲发言,感动有木有!
夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文
  I'm afraid John, I can’t congratulate you. All emotions and in particular love, stand opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. A wedding is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious
and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world. Today we honor the deathwatch beetle that is the doom of our society and in time one feels certain our entire species. But anyway, let’s talk about John.
  If I burden myself with a little helpmate during my adventures, this is not out of sentiment or caprice, it is that he has many fine qualities of his own, that he has overlooked in his obsession with me. Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity
and sharpness comes in turn, From the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides. It is a fact, I believe, that brides tend to favor exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day. There is a certain analogy there, I feel, and contrast is, after all,
God’s own plan to enhance the beauty of his creation. Or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot.
  The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant, and all round obnoxious asshole that anyone could possibly have misfortune to meet. I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful and uncomprehending
in the face of the happy. So if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be Best Man. It is because I never expected to be anybody’s best friend. And certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the
good fortune of knowing.
  John, I am ridiculous man. Redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion. Actually, now I can.
  Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable.
  John, you have endured war and injury and tragic loss, so sorry again about that last one, so know this-today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved. In short, the two people who love you most in all
this world, and I know I speak for Mary as well when I say, we will never let you down. And we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.
夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文
  约翰,我是一个荒谬的人,但是被你的热情和对友(gan)谊(qing )的忠贞拯救了。尽管我是你的好朋(ji)友,我还(dang)是( ran)不能祝贺你的婚姻。但是现在我要祝贺你。玛丽,你值得拥有这个男人,这是我能表达的最高称赞。约翰,你经历过战争,受
以上这篇是夏洛克的婚礼致辞 中英文。就为您介绍到这里,希望它对您有帮助。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友。更多春节的名言j句子尽在: 经典语录 望大家多支持本网站,谢谢。

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