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谜语网> 经典对白> 中国合伙人英文台词
中国合伙人英文台词 时间:2014-07-16 18:26 浏览:
  中国合伙人英文台词  每个人刚从大学出来是最苦逼的。中国合伙人讲的就是大时代下三个年轻人从学生年代相遇、相识,拥有同样的梦想至一起打拼事业的故事。此文是由泡谜语小编为大家整理的影片《中国合伙人》的经典台词,欢迎大家参考。
1.1.What do you think of USA .
2.Now Chinese Students abroad do not want to stay in the United States, butwould like to return to China.
3.We are too young too naive.
4.Do you have a dream ?
5.It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when was 18... For your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture. 
6.Thank you, Mr Bernot, You are the one who has gotten us attention of potential investors from Wall Street. They will see us as company with integrity and courage that takes the responsibility for its mistakes. The more we pay you in compensation, the greater valuation we will get in the future.
7.Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.
8.According to our Chinese proverb, I am like a tubie, a soft shell of turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks. Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.
9 Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the world’s largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.
10 According to our Chinese proverb, I am like a tubie, a soft shell of turtle, someone afraid to go out and take risks. Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.
11 Do you have a dream?
12 that year i memories the holl xinhua english dictionary
13 for your information
14 i was only considered a mediocre of all my peers... what they are willing to 
15 We are too young too naive.
16 Now Chinese Students abroad do not want to stay in the United States, but would like to return to China.

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