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谜语网> 经典对白> 分手信经典英文台词
分手信经典英文台词 时间:2014-10-18 02:01 浏览:



  1.   If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
  2.   Si me dejas, por favor no me consueles, porque cada costura causará dolor de puncionar.
  3.   Whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you or those last two months I got to spend with him ,eventually TIME ALAWYS RUNS OUT.
  4.   here's something I wanna tell you , after I got shot you wanna konw the first thing that entered my mind before I blacked out ? Coins I'm 8 years old again on a tour of U,S,Mint.I'm listening to a guide explain how coins are made......you wanna know the very last thing that entered my mind. you.
  5.   Don't you think you owed me that?you thought that little of me that you couldn't have just called me?why?
  6.   because just hearing your vocie ,I would have changed my mind......I pick the phone a thousand times to try to call you ,you think that I really wanna be standing here in front of you like this?I have no choice.
  7.   If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
  8.   Si me dejas, por favor no me consueles, porque cada costura causará dolor de puncionar.
  9.   Whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you or those last two months I got to spend with him ,eventually TIME ALAWYS RUNS OUT.
  10.   here's something I wanna tell you , after I got shot you wanna konw the first thing that entered my mind before I blacked out ? Coins I'm 8 years old again on a tour of U,S,Mint.I'm listening to a guide explain how coins are made......you wanna know the very last thing that entered my mind. you.
  11.   Don't you think you owed me that?you thought that little of me that you couldn't have just called me?why?
  12.   because just hearing your vocie ,I would have changed my mind......I pick the phone a thousand times to try to call you ,you think that I really wanna be standing here in front of you like this?I have no choice.




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