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谜语网> 经典对白> 狮子王3英文台词
狮子王3英文台词 时间:2015-05-22 09:44 浏览:

2.Who else could break a hole?

3.I was just trying to shed a little light on our pathetic existence.

4.Timon, this can't go on. Just this month, you've pulled down four walls and collapsed two tunnel exits.

5.What's the point? All we do is dig so we can hide, and hide so we can dig. I wanna be where we don't have to dig tunnels and live with our heads stuck in the sand. What's so bad about dreaming of a better home?

6.All you have to do is watch for hyenas and yell if you see one. Look at Iron Joe.

7.I'm never gonna fit in here. Nobody even likes me.

8.I have to find my place; but it isn't here.

9.Stop with the hair already. My place is out there, Ma. Oh, I may not know exactly where or how far, but I gotta go!

20.Pumbaa and friends stick together to the end.

21.It's too bad we never found that perfect place. Why'd we ever listen to that stupid monkey?

22.Come and get it!

23.Such a wonderful phrase.

24.Hey, Timon. I got an idea. Let's do a sing-along!

25.Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the warthog. What's the matter, pops?

26.Our Simba is growing up.

27.After a long day of doing nothing, it's good to kick back.

28.You gotta admit, we had a pretty good thing goin' there.

29.He's smiling that smile.

30.Hakuna Matata is safe at last, pal, 'cause nothing's gonna take our boy away now.

31.I was about to ask you the same thing.

32.Oh, good, they're talking things out. Which is how it should be. You know, I have a feeling everything's gonna be just fine.

33.Ho ho! Nothing gets past you. Come on, Pumbaa. Let's ride.



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