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谜语网> 经典对白> 天才眼镜狗英文台词
天才眼镜狗英文台词 时间:2015-06-15 15:21 浏览:

2.I tried to 'fit in': "No, thank you."

3.As I grew, I saw more and more of my little mate.

4.Wait, wait, come back! throw the stick.

5.So, without a family of my own.

6.I dedicated myself to the pursuit of Knowledge.

7.To prepare him for all the wonders of the world, present and past.

8.There are bound to be a few misapps along the way.

9.You know, she was mostly famous for one thing.

20.It is after-all the language of the future.

21.And now I want to give him the only thing I Always wanted.

22.It Means she will be bound to him in eternity.

23.Let the wedding preparations begin!

24.The other will send us Wandering into darkness and in certain death.

25.What are you doing over there?

26.Bring forth the plate for the blood oath!

27.But wouldn't it be cool if We could fly it?

28.In a luxury penthouse apartment.

29.But why? Won't you just throw it again?

30.I will show you what I can handle.

31.You do not want to be in his House over the holidays.

32.Finish that dinner party Eat my baked Alaska.

33.A dog should never have been allowed to adopt a boy In the first place.

34.In order to reconcile in space-time continuum.

35.I can't believe you bit her, Mr. Peabody.

36.I just need to find a wormhole...

37.With your fancy jargon and that little red tie of yours.

38.The only mistake Mr. Peabody ever made was me.

39.I hereby award Mr. Peabody a presidential pardon.

40.But remember as you approach the speed of light.

41.Come on, Sherman. Come on!

42.And if you worried about making friends at the PTA meeting.

43.They are always appreciated.

44.Every dog should have a boy.

45.I know pronounce you husband and wife!



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