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谜语网> 经典对白> 勇敢传说英文台词
勇敢传说英文台词 时间:2015-06-19 17:30 浏览:

2.Feast your eyes!

3.This is all for naught.

4.Legends are lessons. They ring with truths.

5.I would advise you to make your peace with this.

6.I've just about had enough of you, lass!

7.That would set us up for months.

8.Oh, I've been worried sick.

9.It's a peace offering.

20.ou walk around telling me what to do, what not to do, trying to make me be like you.

21.How about this conversation starter? It's made of yew wood.

22.Yes. And made off with an especially attractive mahogany cheese board.

23.Did you say something about the spell?

24.We've been waiting patiently.

25.That scaffy witch gave me a gammy spell.

26.Why do I always get blamed for everything? It's just not fair.

27.We've got to get out of the castle. I need your help.

28.Maudie, honey, come here! It's all right!

29.oes she think we're just going to happen upon the witch's cottage?

30.If we don't hurry, you'll become like Mor'du.

31.But how do we get you through there and up to the tapestry with the lot of them boiling over like that?

32.There's no one to blame but me.

33.Let's crack open the King's private reserve to celebrate!

34.There was a witch and she gave me a spell. It's not Mor'du.

35.You've always been there for me. You've never given up on me.

36.Delivery. Sign here, sign here.

37.Come on, birdbrain. I haven't got all day.



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