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谜语网> 经典对白> 冰河世纪2英文台词
冰河世纪2英文台词 时间:2015-06-23 10:08 浏览:

2.Make me, sir. It's all about respect.

3.Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages.

4.What do qualifications have to do with child care?

5.You guys never think I can do any thing, but I'm an equal member of this herd.

6.I made this herd, so you need to start treating me with some respect.

7.Why does the burro go home? Why doesn't he stay with the rabbits?

8.He should go with the girl burro. That's a better love story.

9.They lived happily ever after. You can't get more satisfying than that.

20.My brothers and I would be delighted to come with you.

21.Now, let's move it before the ground falls out from under our feet.

22.If you weren't here, that hawk would have swooped down and snatched me for dinner.

23.Diego, there are whole continents moving faster than you.

24.From now on, land-safe, water-not safe.

25.No brakes. Gotta roll. Meet you at the other end.

26.Why are you trying to convince her she's a mammoth?

27.What can I say? They're boys. They make my life a little adventure.

28.Crazy and confused, but sweet.

29.I think I'm starting to get through to him.

30.It may surprise you to know that I, too, have experienced fear.

31.I was just saying that it's our responsibility.

32.Making friend servery where you go. Just making friends.

33.Not another word or I'll come down there and push you over myself.

34.Tomorrow's the day the vulture said we're all going to die.

35.Wow. What a night. You'll never guess what happened.

36.There's only one way to go. Straight through.

37.I am not your prey. I am not your prey.

38.Calm down. I saved you, little buddy. Remember?



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