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谜语网> 经典对白> 冰河世纪4英文台词搞笑
冰河世纪4英文台词搞笑 时间:2015-06-24 18:14 浏览:


2.She's not going to be your little girl forever.

3.Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun?

4.Besides, you can't spend your whole life playing it safe.

5.I never thought I'd see my little baby again. We've been searching everywhere for you.

6.I knew it, I knew it! Deep down, I knew I wasn't abandoned!

7.I'll bury you all and dance on your graves.

8.It didn't make sense, but it sure was exciting.

9.Come on, what kind of sick family would ditch their Granny on someone?

20.Now surrender your ship or face my fury.

21.I bet you're feeling lost, scared, confused.

22.Well, I don't want to gloat But I would like to note.

23.All of whom were once Lost souls like you.

24.They sunk our battleship. What are we going to do?

25.I said I didn't need your help.

26.I don't think we're ever going to get there.

27.Everything we knew is gone.

28.Try and get our minds off all this stuff.

29.Granny, why didn't our family want us? What's wrong with us?

30.They think we're screw-ups and we can't do anything right.

31.Yeah, I think I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack.

32.Really? Because I don't see Gutt sending out any search parties for you.

33.Okay, we need precision timing from everyone to get that ship.

34.Right, unwind the vines, and don't let go until we're all on board.

35.See, I'm fine. If there's one thing I know, it's berries.

36.Guys, over here. Come on, it's a shortcut.

37.But, no, we're not really friends-friends.

38.I mean, it's bad enough that your family is half possum and...

39.And if you geniuses are normal, this species is going to end up extinct.

40.I had so many things trapped inside of me that I couldn't say.

41.I adore a sloth who cares nothing about personal hygiene.

42.Sacrificing yourself for your daughter. How touching.

43.You destroyed everything I had.

44.You waiting for a formal invitation, fancy pants?

45.Your little bunny nose wiggles in the cutest way when you're mad.

46.You never leave a friend behind.

47.You heard me. You two should go out and explore.

48.She's not my little girl anymore.

49.We got every kind of love I feel so lucky indeed.



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